Freelance Digital Artist
Commission info
Steps to commission me:
Read through my terms of service and check my estimated prices.
Put together the necessary (image and text) reference and information for the commission.
Contact me through Twitter, Discord (shadoca) or email ([email protected]) with your commission offer, including the details and reference in the message. (Preferably also include your Discord name and send me a friend request for easier and quicker communication.)
We will further discuss the details and the final price of the commission.
I will send you an invoice, and once paid in full, I will begin working on the commission.
Reference example:
A detailed description of the desired picture as a whole
A description of the character's appearance and their clothes + accessories
A description of the character's pose and expression
A description of the background (if you want one)
Image reference of all above if possible (only JPGs and PNGs)
(If your commission isn't of a character, simply include the relevant reference in text and image form.)
Working through the commission together:
Once the commission has been paid for, I will make a rough sketch for you to approve. At this point larger and smaller changes are possible.
Once the sketch has been approved, I will begin working towards the completed picture. I will provide occasional updates of the picture, during which smaller changes are still possible.
As soon as the picture has been finished, I will send you a full resolution image.
Terms of service
Copyright and use of artwork
• I, the artist, retain full ownership and copyright of the commissioned artwork and designs that I have created. Characters and designs used in the commissions remain property of their respective owners. If the customer wishes for the commission to remain private and unpublished, this can be discussed.• You, the customer, may use the commissioned artwork for personal use only. You may not publish edited versions of my artwork anywhere. You may, however, publish my unedited artwork online for non-commercial use if credited properly.
Pricing and payment
• Rate: 35€ / hour (+ 25,5 % VAT within EU).• The total estimated price of the commission will be discussed with the customer with my hourly rate as a basis, and may vary from commission to commission.• All payments will be paid in full in euros (€) through PayPal's invoices before any work on the commission is started.• If the customer - through their own actions or requests - causes the completion of the commission to take more time than estimated, they may be subject to additional costs to cover the time spent. The customer will be informed of the potential added costs before the additional work is performed so that they may reconsider.• Any delay in the completion of the commission caused by me, the artist, will not result in additional costs for the customer.
Refund policy
• The customer may request cancellation for the commission at any point until the completion of the artwork. The customer will be refunded the price for the remaining estimated hours minus a cancellation fee of 20 % of the total price of the commission.• I, the artist, retain the right to refuse or cancel any commission at any point in time, in which case the customer will receive a full refund.• No refund will be given after the commission has been finished and the full resolution image has been sent to the customer.• The full resolution image will only be sent to the customer upon full completion of the commission.
• By commissioning me for work you are hereby agreeing to the terms expressed above.
I charge 35€ / hour (+ 25,5 % VAT within EU).These prices are only estimates and starting points. Particularly challenging and detailed commissions may cost more.
Bust - 5 hours = 175 € (219.6 € with VAT)Includes only the character's head and part of the shoulders.

Waist - 6 hours = 210 € (263.55 € with VAT)Includes everything down to the character's waist + their arms.

Full - 7 hours = 245 € (307.48 € with VAT)Includes the full character.

Sketches, greyscale commissions and misc.You can expect sketches and greyscale commissions to be around 43.40 € cheaper than the base prices for the coloured pictures, but the final prices may vary.The added cost of backgrounds, additional characters, props and detailed clothes/armour will be discussed per case basis.While my examples only detail character pieces, I am open to other types of commissions as well, so feel free to inquire about them!

You can find more examples of my art in ArtStation or DeviantArt.
I can be contacted through e-mail alone, but communication through Discord is heavily recommended for the ease and speed of it.